The use of the amazing almond oil may be something entirely new to you.
However, its daily use is very prevalent across many countries, cultures, and religions.
Historians have proven that many ancient civilizations dating as far back as 4000 BC have implemented the daily use of essential oils.
They would topically apply these oils to relieve pain, treat burns, or to aid in relaxation; they were a staple of medicine.
This ancient practice was later termed "aromatherapy;" a compound Greek word composed of two words: fragrance (aroma) and treatment (therapy).
The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Persians have all utilized essential oils for health purposes and medical remedies.
And among these oils are the two types of almond oil: sweet almond oil and bitter almond oil.
Sweet almond oil offers numerous medical and cosmetic solutions.
It also has many healing and relaxation attributes. It is a natural remedy that promotes good health and vitality.
Bitter almonds are also transmuted to oil for their antiviral, antibacterial, antispasmodic, anti-fungal, and anti-itch properties.
They're often only used under the supervision of a doctor or in cooking recipes.
The essential fatty acids in almond oil do a number of things.
It keeps the hair long, the skin soft, and the face clear. In addition, they help to heal wounds, delay aging, and boost immunity.
With almond oil usage, you become a healthier and happier person.
And when you are happy, what's likely to happen is that those around you will be happy, too.
Then the world becomes a more peaceful place..
My Top 5 Best Almond Oil Brands In 2020
Where Does Almond Oil Come From?

The United States exclusively grows sweet almonds. A staggering 80% of these almonds are produced in California.
Though, the growing popularity of Marcona almonds, harvested only from Spain, also account for a portion of sweet almond and sweet almond oil production.
Other regions within the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Asia are well-known for the extraction of sweet almond oil.
This powerful seed oil has traveled a far distance from its roots (no pun intended).
The almond oil is one of nature's greatest gifts. It is exceptionally beneficial to the body systems; mainly cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, integumentary, and skeletal system.
As a beauty aid, almond oil contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals that are essential for good skin, hair, and nail health.
This potent organic oil can be extracted through oil distillation or by using an almond kernel press.
And once transmuted, the almond oil cleanses, heals, strengthens, and protects the body.
Although if you are allergic to nuts, it's best to abstain from its usage and find an alternative..

Almonds hold high measures of fundamental supplements that boost health.
Among these supplements are large quantities of vitamin E, potassium, zinc, protein, and monounsaturated fats.
These chemicals work together to make it possible for sweet almond oil to treat skin conditions, clean the pores, prevent acne, strengthen nails, or aid with hair loss.
In the other hand, bitter almond oil is normally used only under the supervision of a doctor and only as medicine.
It is also implemented into some culinary creations. We will go into more details on bitter almond oil later.
The almond (Prunus amygdalus var. dulcis/sweet & Prunus dulcis var. amygdalus/bitter) is known as the "King of Nuts" because of it's enhancing effect on cognitive functions and is widely known as a tonic for the brain.
In etymology, it's closely affiliated to the word "Amygdala," the part of the brain that controls decision making, emotions, and memories.
It is also believed to have been extracted from the French word "almande" and the Greek word "amydala."
Multiple religions revere the mighty almond. In the Bible, the almond is referred to as a symbol of promise, because of the almond tree's hasty flowering.
In Spain, the almond is offered to the Virgin Mary during La Entrada de la Flor (February 1st) as the almond tree is the first to bear flowers after winter.
People of Israel celebrate Tu B'Shevat, the first day of spring in Israel, by eating almonds as a reminder of God's watchfulness.
The almond and almond oil are located in other sacred texts and are given a great reputation.
Being the first tree that flowers in spring, the almond seeds are of incredible abundance.
It belongs to the same fruit family as the plume, cherry, peach, apricot, and nectarine. Its sweet flavor is the reason it's frequently used in culinary.
The use of almond oil as a natural remedy and cosmetic purposes are becoming more widespread.
It's no surprise that more are being attracted to its surprising health and cosmetic benefits.
It's implementation in our diet, medicine, and cosmetics has always had positive results. It has made people happier, healthier, and more beautiful.
Even a tiny amount of almond oil contains the necessary dietary fiber and nutrition for the body.
It's other contents are also incredibly capable of improving brain activity, cognitive function, and longevity.
Let's dive into reasons why almond oil is, well, amazing. I will be showing you how and why it is used in our diets, cosmetics, medicine, and what to expect.
Be prepared to have your mind blown as we venture through the ins and outs, ups and downs, and the back and the front of almond oil.
15 Almond Oil Uses For Food, Beauty, Health, & Pets

Stay Beautiful with Almond Oil
Almond oil is an excellent source of healthy nutrients for the skin, hair, nails, and teeth.
Only Sweet Almond Oil is used in cosmetics, as Bitter Almond Oil is utilized for other awesome purposes.
When you look great, you begin to feel great. When you feel great, you being to think great. And when you think great, you become great.
Almond oil has what your body needs. The greatest wealth is good health. And this is how to ensure this wealth:
Maintain Skin Health

Sweet Almond Oil, when applied topically, can treat burns, heal wounds. It's also a great way to hydrate the skin.
In addition, it is a natural sunblock as well as an anti-inflammatory cream. Some use Sweet Almond Oil to clean the pores, prevent acne, and heal skin allergy, eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea (among other skin conditions).
Rub a few drops onto the skin and feel and see it working.
Almond oil gets absorbed much quicker when it is warmed to body temperature and mixed with other organic oils.
This method of preparation is often used during a soothing almond oil massage session.
Good for the Teeth and Bones
The magnesium in almond oil is a trace mineral nutrient that maintains dental health and bone strength.
It effectively rids the teeth of plaque without chipping away any enamel.
It can aid and treat tooth decay, cavities as well as lower the chances of painful bone fractures and osteoporosis.
Also, it is a natural teeth-whitener and keeps the gums elastic and healthy.
When mixed with other essential oils, Sweet Almond Oil can be used as an organic toothpaste or mouthwash; leaving you with fresh-smelling breath and a set of pearly whites for a photo-worthy smile.
Great Hair with Almond Oil

Another awesome ability of the almond oil is the ability to promote hair growth.
It can serve as a natural substitute to your everyday synthetic leave-in conditioner.
The vitamin E keeps hair looking great while boosting hair follicle health, increasing hair volume, and reducing inevitable hair loss.
Some like to apply the awesome almond oil to the hair to combat awful dandruff.
Apparently, when almond oil is applied to the scalp, it is mainly done so for the purpose of moisture retention; making the hair shinier and thicker while treating dandruff.
What is Aging?

Almond oil has the incredible capability to delay, if not, reverse the aging process.
When applied to the face and in small dozes, almond oil renews and rejuvenates skin cells.
It also moisturizes and lightens the skin while reducing puffy eyes and dark circles.
Some believe that almond oil does a better job with wrinkles, fine lines, and chapped lips than most synthetic cosmetic brands.
Simply blend the Almond Carrier Oil with a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey then leave on for one hour.
Just remember to not be too generous with the application.
This can result in a overly oily and sticky face.
Recipes You Can Make With Almond Oil
Almond Oil For Cooking

Almond Oil can be put in teas, on salads, on hot dishes, in protein shakes, with baked goods, and other food creations.
It may be orally consumed by the tablespoon or as a substitute to baking ingredients such as vanilla extract, etc.
Marcona Almonds are much sweeter and more flavorful than the standard American almonds, though.
And professionals prefer the taste of the Spanish almonds over its counterpart.
Using Almond Oil For Your Health
Almond oil provides us with an incredible amount of health benefits. When consumed with food or by itself, one can experience:
Weight Loss
A healthy diet that consists of Almond Oil greatly helps to shed excess fat. It's healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats prevent obesity and weight gain.
Neutral Blood Sugar Levels
Almond Oil stabilizes blood sugar levels. And also prevents insulin resistance. Quite awesome, right?
This results in the prevention of cardiovascular and digestive conditions. The almond way is the healthy way.
Healthy Metabolism
When you consume some almond oil during breakfast, you will much less likely to be craving for food.
Energy levels are increased with the use of the amazing oil. Take some and get more done during the day.
Balanced Body pH
Almond oil will greatly reduce acid buildup. This in turn balances the body's pH, neutralizing it if it's over or below normal levels; this is largely crucial for one's overall wellbeing.
Reduce Risk of Cancer
Almond oil's anti-inflammatory and anti oxidative properties lower the chance of getting most types of cancer.
Almond oil contains a vitamin E called gamma-tocopherol, which is a very potent and natural antioxidant that aids oxidative stress.
Lower Bad Cholesterol
Bad cholesterol reduction is one of the most recognized benefits of Almond Oil. It allows oxygen to flow more smoothly through the bloodstream.
Lower Risk of Heart Conditions
Thanks to such an abundant source of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, almond oil helps to reduce chances of horrible heart attacks and strokes.
It reinforces artery health as well as reduce any potentially dangerous inflammations within the cardiovascular system.
Reduce Risk of Diabetes
Almond oil is so nutritionally valuable and beneficial to the health that it can prevent diabetes.
It regulates body weight and body metabolism which in turn would prevent and/or treat diabetes.
The rich supply of MUFAs regulates the release of glucose into the bloodstream. In effect, almond oil decreases the risk of diabetes.
Probiotics for Gut Flora
This seed oil positively affects microorganisms in the gut. Its probiotic components aid healthy bacterial growth in the gut flora.
Boost Rectal Health
Almond oil injections successfully cure rectal prolapse in children.. With almond oil, you retain a very healthy colon and rectum.
Regulate Digestive Health
Almond oil is one of the only natural remedies that help to alkalize the ever-busy digestive system. It also cleanses the digestive tract to ensure healthy digestion.
Natural Laxative
Are you constipated again? A couple of tablespoons of almond oil will ease you right up and get you going it easy again.
Relieve Ear Pain
I would experience terrible earaches before I discovered the healthy effects of almond oil treatment. Almond oil is one of the only natural remedies for ear pain.
It softens the ear wax and relieves any blockages within the ear tubes.
Lower Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer's
It has been stated earlier that almond oil boosts cognitive function as well as prevent intellectual decline.
In addition to that, almond oil also enhances your mood by regulating dopamine and cortisol production.
So be like Bobby: don't worry, drink some almond oil and be happy.
It's Good For Me, It Must Be Good For The Pets, Too

Yes, almond oil treatment is incredibly healthy and safe for pets.
Put some on your dog or cat's cute little nose and watch as it gains back its normal color and proper moisture.
And as long as your pet doesn't have nut allergies, you may spread the oil all over their bodies (including the paws) to provide them with the good feelings that they deserve.
Dogs are absolutely in love with this stuff. They just cannot stop licking themselves after putting on some sweet almond oil.
Almond Oil Benefits And Studies
The almond oil is an essential part of many peoples' daily lives.
A number of case studies have been carefully conducted with the almond and almond oil to prove its benefits and safety.
- A 2014 study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences found that almond oil successfully decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.
- Purdue University conducted a study showing that the human consumption of almond oil decreases blood sugar levels and made the participants feel more full.
- The Faculty of Medicine at Cairo University in Egypt gave seemingly untreatable patients almond oil injections to attempt to cure idiopathic pruritus ani (an itchy anus).
A staggering 93% were permanently cured after the first round of almond oil treatments. The rest of the patients were healed after the second treatment.
- The Department of Pharmaceutics at Hamdard University in India concluded that almond oil prevents initial UV damage and decreases the rate of damage as it happens.
- Texas Tech University discovered negative interactions between almonds and alcohol. They just don't work well together.
-Nurses' Health Study reports that almond oil supports a healthy metabolism and maintains energy levels.
- In 2014, the Institute of Food Science and Technology in China discovered that women who consumed a daily dose of almond oil over an eight-week period obtained increased populations of healthy digestive bacteria called Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.
Almond oil continues to aid the ones in need. Almond oil continues to make people feel better and happier.
It is a gift straight from nature. Let us use almond oil with pride.
- As a cosmetic, almond oil is considered as an antioxidant, tonic, nutritive, rejuvenating, and emollient.
It moisturizes and softens the face, lightens the skin, prevents wrinkles and fine lines, shines the hair, strengthens nails, heals chapped lips, reduces dark eye circles, and treats dandruff.
-As medicine, almond oil is considered as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, and sedative.
It cures skin damage, prevents tooth decay and cavities, reduces inflammations, boosts heart health, improves cognition, prevents diabetes and cancer, regulates cholesterol, promotes colon health, treats earaches, strengthens bones, and provides probiotics.
Almond oil is worthy of all the recognition it receives. I'm very much impressed by its several benefits and uses. This seed oil is truly amazing and is unquestionably one of nature's greatest gifts to mankind.
Almond Oil Nutritional Information
To account for its many great health benefits, almond oil contains nutrients that are important to the health.
The main constituents in almond oil are: vitamin E, K, B6, B-complex as well as riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, omega-6, omega-3, and omega-9 fatty acids.
Almond oil is also an abundant source of calcium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.
It's solid reputation as the "King of the Nuts" is backed by the chemicals L-carnitine and phenylalanine.
The body absorbs almond oil way quicker than most organic oils so grab yourself some and start reaping the benefits.
Is Almond Oil Good To Eat?
The Almond Oil is a prevalent ingredient in the world of culinary.
It's regarded as a healthier option than regular cooking oils that has a high calorie count.
The healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in the amazing almond oil are necessary to keep the body functioning normally.
The almond oil's fatty acids help to control cholesterol levels and are of high nutritional value.
And being low in sodium, almond oil is a healthier substitute to cow or goat butter and vegetable shortening..
It's time for a quick and delicious baking session.
Despite its high calorie count, the benefits of almond oil far outweigh its very few limitations.
One can add almond oil to any recipe and enjoy its enticing aroma and delicious flavor.
Drizzle it onto some salad, put it in some soup, or cook with it; for a healthy and balanced snack or meal.
Almond Oil Research & Facts
The almond nut is in the same family of nuts as the macadamia. These nuts have multiple layers which enclose a hard seed in the center.
Straight from the almond tree, an almond, prior to its oil transmutation, is already 44% oil..
We have taken the almond home, am I right?
Almond oil contains very large amounts of catechin and epicatechin as well as flavonol antioxidants named quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhmnetin.
These chemicals collaborate to combat the onset of skin cancer. Do not underestimate the power of the king of nuts.
Almond oil has anti-inflammatory and anti oxidative properties.
This keeps the body at ease and comfortable while working to prevent health conditions.
For infants, almond oil is considered as the best massage oil and bath application. It keeps the skin soft and hydrated while providing infants with a layer of sweet health protection.
It is an all-natural product that is safe for even babies.
When you consume almond oil, you will turn into a mighty warrior. Yes, you will combat the monster that is obesity.
You just simply drizzle some almond oil on your morning salad and you will have minimal to no food cravings for the rest of the day.
If you're having bowel issues, almond oil is your pal. It will help you get through all that sh- stuff.
Almond oil contains the contents that your intestines need to function healthily.
Although if you have pancreatitis, almond consumption may not be the best. Study shows negative correlation between almond oil and pancreatitis.
Almond oil is a potent source of melatonin, though. Melatonin is responsible for being the first line of defense against oxidative stress.
You'll also be sleeping like an infant.
Fun fact: if you have one hundred grams of almond oil, you have 60 international unites of vitamin E.
In other words, you would have 200 percent of the daily recommended amount of the vitamin. That is amazing, isn't it?
The colors of almond oil is clear and pale yellow. It's comparable to pineapple or lemon juice.
The almond tree grows to up to 3-6 meters. One may pick an almond with total ease.
Almond oil has a mild and pleasant smell. It is as beneficial to the health as it is pleasing to the nose.
The almond industry is estimated to be worth $4.5 billion annually with an annual production of over 2 billion pounds.
I'm glad to have shared knowledge on almond oil and would love to see more its production.
Final Thoughts About Almond Oil
Almond oil has a high nutritional value. The different contents and chemicals in almond oil work together to maintain the overall health of the body, mind, and spirit.
This seed oil has proven itself to be a great supplement to our daily lives.
It is used topically and internally. Both having amazing benefits with little to no drawbacks.
On top of that, it tastes absolutely delicious. It's really nice for the thanksgiving potluck.
And although it's of no use for those who have nut allergies, the ones that can use it are incredibly lucky to receive its aid (review benefits of almond oil).
You would be contributing to your overall wellbeing when you implement the use of almond oil. You've read about its benefits.
And you've learned how to use it.
It isn't difficult to get a hold of almond oil. Just keep in mind that there are over 2 billion almonds produced annually.
There's always a case of almond oil for you wherever you go.
From shining the hair to regulating your bowels, the almond oil has such a positive impact on the body.
It's also great for the mind; no wonder it has the same etymology as amygdala. It regulates dopamine production; which means with almond, you are happy.
Once you buy yourself some almond oil, refer back to this article for instructions.
Either that or you can just take a tablespoon of it and shove it down your throat.
Just want to remind you for the 9th time to not consume any almond or almond oil if you are allergic to nuts.
And as for bitter almond oil, you can ask your doctor. Just know that it is an all-natural remedy that doesn't contain any harmful chemicals.
This means no side effects; and for the 10th time do not consume almond oil if you are allergic to nuts.
If anyone ever asks you: "How do I become more beautiful/healthy/happy?"
You know the sweet answer. You know the amazing almond and its awesome oil.
Win every day. Use the almond oil; one of nature's greatest gifts.
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