Intimacy is characterized by mutual understanding and care between two people. True intimacy requires openness, familiarity, and vulnerability in the relationship, and an intimate bond complements a close relationship.
The importance of intimacy can be seen in friendships and familial relationships, but it’s especially vital in romantic relationships. Marriage isn't always easy, however, in particular when it comes to maintaining intimacy.
Fortunately, couples can have relational stability if they reflect, work hard, and innovate. If you're a stay-at-home mom who's searching for some tips to improve intimacy with your spouse, you've come to the right place.
You won't have to go to great lengths to keep the fire burning in your relationship. You just need to pay attention to the little things you do daily to foster a healthy amount of intimacy with your partner, which will result in a fruitful marriage.
You’ll find that these small, straightforward actions can also reduce stress and increase happiness in a significant way:
1. Do Not Be Afraid To Try New Things
The concept of intimacy goes beyond physical intimacy, as discussed earlier. Getting close to someone and becoming familiar with them are also essential.
In light of this, providing your spouse with new experiences is a great way to improve intimacy. You could, for instance, work together on a significant project such as renovating your home.
If you'd like to have a new addition to your family, you can consider adopting a dog or a cat. You could go on a trip to an unfamiliar country and help each other in getting to know the culture there.
In doing those things, there's always a possibility that you and your partner will argue or have misunderstandings along the way.
Even so, by going through difficulties and resolving issues as a couple, your bond will be strengthened further, and your intimacy will be enhanced, too.
Of course, this tip also applies to physical intimacy. Don't be afraid to try new things for the sake of boosting your sex life.2. Turn Off The Electronics
Intimacy isn't exclusively about physical touches and the like. Relationships require adequate human interaction in order for a couple to achieve emotional intimacy, which can be hindered by electronic communication.
Email, social media, and entertainment are distractions that can quickly become addictive and cause you to miss out on essential one-on-one interactions.
You and your partner can stay connected and get practical things done at the same time by texting and emailing when you’re busy and apart.
But when you’re together, turn off the computer, television, video game consoles, smartphones, and tablets. Take the time to talk to, share insights with, and look at one another.
Many successful couples apply the practice of putting their cell phones on silent and leaving them by the front door once they come home to prevent themselves from using the gadgets when they’re with their partner.
3. Talk It Out
It can be awkward to talk about sex if you grew up in a cultural environment that discourages or shames any references to it.
However, you can never say that your sexual relationship is successful without discussing this crucial aspect of marriage.
It's possible to make the whole situation less distressing through several methods:
- When you’re in the dark after having sex, talk to each other. You're both emotionally connected and feeling loved (which helps eliminate awkwardness), so you may find it easier to discuss your sexual needs immediately afterward.
- Don't miss any opportunity to express your sexual needs to your spouse. That way, your spouse will be able to show you the affection you want and deserve. Additionally, it would make your partner feel comfortable doing the same thing.
- Feel free to switch things up or voice your concerns if you find something uncomfortable. During vulnerable and intimate moments, both of you should want to put each other at ease, which is only possible if you communicate openly.
- Perfection comes from practice. As a stay-at-home wife, you’ll have some free time to think things over and finally open up certain issues with your spouse during your intimate moments together. Also, don’t shy away from researching more ways to make sex more enjoyable for you and your partner, such as using essential oils for sex.
Getting better at openly talking to your partner about sex won’t happen overnight. But keep in mind that relationships require work, and communicating your most vulnerable and intimate needs takes patience and time.
4. Spend More Time Together

Setting aside time to bond as a couple can be challenging. It can be even more difficult when you have children in the house since you either work from home or are a full-time housewife.
However, don’t let your current circumstance stop you from finding ways to spend more quality time with your spouse. Consider having coffee together every weekend at a set time so you can talk comfortably and feel relaxed.
Family therapists suggest that once the kids are in bed, spend 30 uninterrupted minutes with your partner.
Accomplish tasks such as doing the dishes or creating a grocery list together so you can simultaneously be productive and have quality time with one another.
You can also try having a weekly date night, having lunch together every once in a while, or walking around the neighborhood regularly. The key to maintaining emotional intimacy is spending time together without distractions.
5. Consider Having A Schedule For Sex
It may sound unromantic, but this tip can help save a marriage. According to some therapists, the amount of sex healthy couples need depends on many factors, and that there’s no definite correct answer on how often sex is required.
However, due to daily routines and hectic schedules, if some couples don't set aside time for intimacy, sex might not happen as often as it should.
Scheduling sexual intimacy can help you and your partner. Planning sex beforehand and not being distracted by the responsibilities of motherhood will allow you to be more prepared.
It’s important, however, that both parties will commit to the schedule, no matter how tired and busy either or both of you are.
Even if you and your spouse sometimes have difficulty connecting emotionally, intellectually, physically, or spiritually, it doesn’t have to mean that your marriage is over.
Instead, you should take the time to reflect and keep putting in the work necessary to preserve the relationship.
Hopefully, the tips above will help you figure out how to enhance your intimacy with your partner in more aspects than one.
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